
Four Dimensions DVD (2009)

風浪板 年度大片

Four Dimensions DVD (2009)

接單下定 € 26.90 台幣NT$1600(含運費) 不滿20片 國外不出貨

Nico 0920091100, nicowsf@yahoo.com.tw

MSN : nicowsf@hotmail.com
Skype : nicowsf

北岸風浪板 留言板

Product Description

Feature Length: ~45min
Full Running Time: 2hrs+
Riders: Marcilio Browne, Gollito Estredo, Victor Fernandez, Andre Paskowski
Locations: Cape Verde, Maui, Egypt, Fuerte, Gran Canaria, Brasil
Extras: Full TV Quality of “2forTen”, “Stacked”, “Gollito in Egypt”, “Samba” / a Trickbook with the most actual Wave and freestyle Tricks and many more

Four riders travel the world in search of those unique places where all the conditions come together to showcase windsurfing at it’s highest level.


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